Numbers Nightclub

in Bars, Clubs, and Discos

Numbers Nightclub, a gay dance club and video lounge, opened at 620 Frankfort Avenue in 1984. Numbers hosted drag shows on Tuesday nights. On Thursday and Friday nights, the club adopted a “cruisier bar atmosphere with programmed music and large video screens.” Numbers primarily played “high energy” music and maintained “loyal dance following on Wednesdays and Saturdays.” Numbers closed in 1997. The club later reopened as Club Atlantis.

Additional information coming soon.


  • Hill, Edward. “From Hank’s to Club Coconuts: The Good, Bad, and Boring.” Plain Dealer. August 11, 1989.
  • “Gay Ohio: Cleveland.” The Guide. October 1989. Page 34.
  • Jimmie. “A Drag-less Numbers.” Gay People’s Chronicle. March 11, 1994. Page 18.
  • “Monika Veliz Interview, 08 August 2023.” Cleveland Voices.
  • “Numbers Hosts Drag.” Gay People’s Chronicle. November 1988.
  • “Oppression.” Gay People’s Chronicle. July 1989. Page 2.
620 Frankfort Ave, Cleveland, OH 44113

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