Alternative Coffeehouse

in Restaurants and Cafes

The Alternative Coffeehouse, an LGBT+ youth coffeehouse, opened at St. John’s Episcopal Church (2600 Church Avenue) in 1975. The Alternative Coffeehouse operated as a youth outreach program of the Metropolitan Community Church (MCC). The Alternative Coffeehouse was designed to provide LGBT+ youths under the age of 21 with a substance-free “alternative” to the bar-centric LGBT+ adult social scene of the 1970s. The Alternative Coffeehouse opened on Friday evenings and offered “food, non-alcoholic beverages, movies, dancing, and live entertainment.”

Additional information coming soon.


  • “Constance Comments.” High Gear. July 1975. Page 16.
  • MacDonald, Art. “Gay Pride Synopsis.” High Gear. July 1975. Page 4.
2600 Church Ave, Cleveland, OH 44113

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