
in Groups and Organizations

Sistahparty, a social “organization for lesbians of color,” formed in 1990. Sistahparty was organized to provide a space for lesbians of color in Cleveland to “share social networking, political concerns, and to participate in the various cultures of the non-white lesbian community.” Sistahparty offered a variety of social events and “business, social, educational, and discussion groups” for women of color. Sistahparty also endeavored to make it “safer and more welcome for women of color to attend events in the white gay-lesbian community” at large. Sistahparty sometimes held meetings and events at The Civic, 3130 Mayfield Road.

Gay People’s Chronicle. October 1991.

Additional information coming soon.


  • Bair, S. K. “Sistahparty and the Women’s Building Project Ring in 1993.” Gay People’s Chronicle. January 12, 1993. Page 19.
  • Griffith, Valerie R. “Center Ignores People of Color.” Gay People’s Chronicle. March 1991. Page 3.
  • Taylor, Kim. “Sistahparty Plans Workshop on Diversity.” Gay People’s Chronicle. October 1991. Page 4.
  • Taylor, Kim. “Sistahparty Opens Doors for Members and Others.” Gay People’s Chronicle. January 16, 1992. Page 9.
Exact address undetermined. 3130 Mayfield Rd., Cleveland Heights, OH 44118 (The Civic).

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