Pickwood Lounge

in Bars, Clubs, and Discos

The Pickwick Tavern (Pickwood Lounge), a gay-friendly bar and restaurant, opened at 11633 Clifton Boulevard in 1942. The Pickwick Tavern was owned and operated by local restaurateurs Charlie and Gloria Lenihan. Following a lengthy 1947 court battle over the business’ name, the Lenihans were forced to rename the establishment the Pickwood Lounge in 1947. The Pickwood Tavern’s interior was divided between a “wood-paneled, European-style pub” on one half and an “Art Deco-influenced piano lounge” on the other. The Pickwood’s louge contained “black leather-padded booths, a black baby-grand piano, and a priceless, vintage 1923 etching by Cleveland-born modernist painter August Biehle.” Prior to the closure of Gloria Lenihan’s gay-friendly Cadillac Lounge, the Pickwood’s clientele was primarily comprised of an “olde, blue-collar” crowd. After the Cadillac closed in 1970, however, Lenihan’s crowd of gay male regulars followed her to the Pickwood. The Pickwood Tavern remained a popular gay-friendly restaurant and bar throughout much of the 1970s and 1980s. The Pickwood closed in 1987.

Additional information coming soon.


11633 Clifton Blvd, Cleveland, OH 44102

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