Happy Apple Bar

in Bars, Clubs, and Discos

The Happy Apple Bar, a “three floor combination disco and fast-food service,” opened at 733 West St. Clair in 1975. The bar’s first floor, “styled after a western hotel,” contained food services. The second floor, a “psychedelic disco,” featured colored glass decor. The bar’s basement contained a nightclub and state-of-the-art sound system. During lunch hours, the basement nightclub operated as a “for men only club.”

Happy Apple ad. | High Gear. July 1978.

Additional information coming soon.


  • Nosek, John, and Leon Stevens. “Gay Community 1970s.” Encyclopedia of Cleveland History.
  • Phillips, Matt. “Happy Apple.” High Gear. August 1975. Page 11.
  • Ross, Aaron. “As I See It.” High Gear. May 1978. Page 12.
733 W St Clair Ave, Cleveland, OH 44113

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