Gay and Lesbian Older, Wiser Seniors

in Groups and Organizations

Gay and Lesbian Older, Wiser Seniors (GLOWS), a “social support group for gay men and lesbians 55 and over,” formed in 1988. GLOWS members met regularly on the second Tuesday of each month at a private residence inside Fairview Village Apartments, 20120 Lorain Road.

Gay People’s Chronicle. July 1988.

Additional information coming soon.


  • “Gay and Lesbian Elders – Cleveland.” Erie Gay Community News. November 1994. Page 11.
  • Slusher, Morgan P., Carole J. Mayer, and Ruth E. Dunkle. “Gays and Lesbians Older and Wiser (GLOW): A Support Group for Older Gay People.” The Gerontologist 36, no. 1. February 1996. Pages 118-123.
20120 Lorain Rd, Fairview Park, OH 44126 (Fairview Village Apartments)

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