Eleanor Roosevelt Gay Political Club

in Groups and Organizations

The Eleanor Roosevelt Gay Democratic Club (ERGDC), a gay civil rights and political organization, was established in 1980 by David Batz and Rick Berg. The Eleanor Roosevelt Gay Democratic Club was formed in the wake of the 1980 presidential election in order to “introduce gay civil rights as a political issue in Greater Cleveland.” The group initially came together in December 1980 and held its first official meeting in February 1981. Meetings were held in member’s homes and, later, at local Cleveland gay bars and clubs.

In 1982, the ERGDC developed a “three point plan” that called for “the registration of gay voters, endorsement of candidates in a limited number of high-visibility campaigns, and…campaigning for these candidates among gay voters.” To that end, the ERGDC sponsored voter registration drives and endorsed political candidates based on said candidates’ support of gay civil rights. Despite the group’s name, the ERGDC bore no formal alliance or connection to the Democratic party. In 1986, the Eleanor Roosevelt Gay Democratic Club (ERGDC) changed its name to the Eleanor Roosevelt Gay Political Club (ERGPC). The Eleanor Roosevelt Gay Political club formally disbanded in 1988.

Additional information coming soon.


  • Anthony, Bob. “Gay Dem Club Grows.” High Gear. June 1982. Page 10.
  • Barnum, George. “Gay Community .” Encyclopedia of Cleveland History.
  • “Buck Harris Interview, 20 April 2006.” Cleveland Voices.
  • “Buck Harris Interview, 24 April 2010.” Cleveland Voices.
  • “Cleveland Gay Political Group Meets.” High Gear. March 1981. Page 3.
  • “ERGPC Elections.” Gay People’s Chronicle. February 1986. Page 3.
  • Gibbins, Katharine. “Where Rick Berg is Coming From.” High Gear. October 1981. Page 7.
  • Smeller, Michele. “Gay Political Club Folds.” Gay People’s Chronicle. December 1988. Page 1.
Location approximate. The Eleanor Roosevelt Gay Democratic/Political Club had no fixed address.

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