Delta Club

in Bars, Clubs, and Discos

Delta Club, a gay disco and jazz club, opened at 1700 Columbus Road in 1979. Delta Club was owned by nightclub entrepreneur Richard Paul Smith. Delta Club operated as private membership club. Though the club advertised to women, several would-be patrons claimed that the club’s management utilized its membership card system to discriminate against and deny entry to would-be female patrons. Nevertheless, Delta Club quickly gained a reputation as a popular men’s disco. In addition to its dancefloor, the Delta Club frequently hosted live musical and entertainment for its patrons. In 1981, the club introduced popular weekly “jazz nights” that featured an array of prominent local and national jazz and blues musical artists. Delta Club closed in 1983.

Additional information coming soon.


  • Cheeks, Dwayne. “Disco Dancing All Week.” Plain Dealer. October 30, 1981.
  • Jenkins, William Jr. “The Jazz Scene – All Around Town.” Plain Dealer. May 29, 1981.
  • Nosek, John, and Leon Stevens. “Gay Community 1970s.” Encyclopedia of Cleveland History.
  • Scott, Jane. “Jazz Pizazz.” Plain Dealer. May 1, 1981.
  • Strassmeyer, Mary. “Other Disco Doings.” Plain Dealer. May 14, 1979.
  • Yockey, Wendy L. “Mail Bag.” High Gear. May 1979. Page 18.
1700 Columbus Rd, Cleveland, OH 44113

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